Friday, March 25, 2011


Shhhh...don't tell anyone I am wasting time at work.  I just can't help myself!  It is Spring, the sun is shining, it's payday and it's FRIDAY

That makes me believe...

Have a very blessed weekend!


  1. Atiyanna!
    HOWDY again! Well, no paycheck, no weekend off. It IS spring, and the sun IS shining--not right now @ 2 AM--grin! Ya know what? I like your ENTHUSIASM. And I remember that from "the old days" Ha! all of two years ago LOL!

    Anyway, keep the faith. I think you might consider the Friday 55-word thing, or Monkey Man's Sunday 160 (characters!) meme. If you wish or need those addreses let me know!

    I'm backing away now from your very colorful pages--cannot see in the dark--BANG! "Dammmm,
    that door isn't supposed to be standing ajar."

    Love, favorite Witch...and PEACE!

  2. Howdy back Steve! You know both my son (he is 12) and I still do the flash fiction everyonce in awhile. We really quite enjoy it. I would love the addresses to both please.
    Thanks for reading and the encouragement!
