Saturday, April 16, 2011

Humble or Humiliated

So there is this women's AA retreat here in my area in June and me and my sponsee were planning on attending together.  Well my finances kind of took a downward turn and I told her a couple of weeks ago that I was no longer able to afford the cost for the weekend. $200!!

She called me today, and apparently a lady from her home group (who was also going to attend with us) had a garage sale today and raised the money so that I could go with them.  I am not exactly sure how to feel.  I am totally dumbfounded by her generosity and don't even know what to say.  How do I accept a gift like that?  I don't know if I am feeling humbled by her gift or humilated by her charity.  This is so foreign to me.  Do people really do things like this?  I mean, I hear about it all the time but never have I been on the receiving end of it except of course my parents.

My head is going around and around.  I just don't understand why she would do this.


  1. Funny how someone doing an act of kindness for us is unfamiliar and uncomfortable isn't it?
    Perhaps ask why God wants you to go?

  2. Accept the gift with grace Tammy cuz you deserve it. We all think that we don't deserve to be treated well. Go and enjoy, soak up the sharing and caring and bring it back to share. Thats how this works. I found you entirely by accident on here or is it? Sometimes God works in very mysterious ways. I am needing to grow again and I can feel it. See you soon my beautiful friend.

  3. I agree with Julie and Tiko. There is a great love between people in recovery, this lady is showing hers. Also I would had in the future you may be able to pass her gift to another. I remember all the rides I received from people when I got sober, people would drive me 25 miles home from a meeting, never asking for a dime. I repay them by giving rides to others or taking people who can't drive to AA functions. The founders where very much about sharing what they had with each other, maybe this lady is passing on some sharing which was given to her. I do understand how this can make you feel though, my pride cringes at what I perceive to be an act of charity when in reality it is an act of loving kindness and the compassion one alcoholic has for another.
