Friday, May 13, 2011


OMG...have you ever heard of such a thing?  They have even made a reality television show about extreme couponing and I have a friend that was talking about it the other day.  So I checked out one of the links on Facebook and next thing I knew I had a pile of coupons and 6 HOURS had gone by.  I even created a new email address specifically for signing up for coupon sites!!!  I think I have lost my freakn' mind!  Now I do know that things are little different in Canada than in the States, here you can only use one coupon per purchase.  In the states they stock pile them and people have walked out of stores with $900 worth of groceries and maybe paid $30...WHAT THE HECK!

All I can say is that I hope my addictive personlality doesn't take me down the road of this addiction...I don't have the space to store it all.  hahaha!


  1. Me too, Tammy. I've got enough addictions. When listing them, I have to use alphabetical disorder to avoid that 'perfection' addiction--LOL!

    I just put one up for a change...

    Glad you are here--and me, too. Loved your photo--was it yesterday?

  2. I always want to do right by coupons, but it takes a lot of time, doesn't it?

  3. I saw that show a couple times while I was visiting my mom.
    Insane, isn't it? (!!)

    I feel so bad for the people who have to wait in line behind them!

  4. Tammy
    Somehow I cannot become excited about coupons, shopping, etc. Maybe it is the ONE obsession I do not own?
