Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer has arrived!

Finally we got some HOT sunny weather this weekend. It has been so wet and cool so far this summer I was starting to wonder if it would show it's glowing face at all.  We went camping this weekend for the first time this season...well second but the last time was in May so not technically summer.  We headed up towards Spences Bridge into the mountains there for some rock hunting and sage harvesting.  I think we came away with more than 2 buckets of agates, quartz and even a piece of jade, and I harvested a bag of sage to make sage sticks for smudging.  It was really nice to get out of town and away from reality a little while.  Funny though, as we entered the Fraser Valley again, almost instantly, I felt the stress or work and finances.  I really need to do something about that.  Oh well, there are things on the horizon that I hope come to fruition.  One of them being possibly a new position...I interviewed for it on Thursday so please please please send your positive energy my way.  I will keep you updated!

1 comment:

  1. Positive energy sent--do you 'feel' it? Should come through as 'heat', maybe even HOT! If it happens, accept it as real, and not from me, but from that power which we all know at times.

    We Peeps can be conduits for unexplainable gifts which we then pass on, or they wither and die. I truly believe this, Tammy.

    And YOU can read this: "...When I act out the symptoms of radiant happiness, my fear and depression will evaporate.

    Sent in love and PEACE!

    Tammy ain't it great to be alive, and enjoy the outdoors? Camping, I envy you. Too hot here for that!
